Our team includes Clinical Epidemiologist, Data Scientist, Health Economists, Outcome researchers, Bioinformatics, Clinicians.
Over 95% of the team trained as Ph.D. or MSc + MD/PharmD with 10+ years experiences.
1,300+ peer-reviewed publications and cited over 100,000 times.
Therapeutic areas covered: Oncology, Endocrinology, Cardiology, Immunology, Infectious disease, Psychology, Orthopedics, Nephrology, Neurology, Hematology, and Dentistry.
Our team has supported or reviewed the development of Health Technology Assessment (HTA) submissions to the Canadian Agency for Drugs in Technology and Health (CADTH).

Madison (Yuqing) Zhang
M.D. MSc. PhD

Ignacio Neumann
M.D. MSc. PhD
Gordon Guyatt
Chief Scientific Officer
Professor Guyatt is a Distinguished Professor of Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics at McMaster University. He coined the term “evidence-based medicine” (EBM) in 1991. He led the development of health-related quality of life field and co-created the GRADE approach rating quality of evidence and grading strength of recommendations. As a methodologist, he has advanced methods of health status measurement, clinical trial conduct, systematic review methods, and guideline development.
His over 1,000 publications in peer review journals dealing with health status measurement, clinical trials, systematic reviews, and clinical practice guidelines, have been cited over 85,000 times;
In 2011, Dr. Guyatt received Canada's highest award for civilians, an Officer of the Order of Canada, and in 2013 was chosen as the Canadian Institute for Health Research Researcher of the Year.
In 2016 the Web of Science identified Guyatt as one of the most cited researchers in the world; he was the only Canadian to be named in areas of both clinical medicine and social sciences.

Mohit Bhandari
Senior Scientific Advisor
Dr. Bhandari currently serves as Professor and Academic Chair of the Division of Orthopaedic Surgery at McMaster University. He also holds the distinction of University Scholar and holds a Canada Research Chair in Evidence-Based Orthopaedics. He serves as the Associate Chair-Research in the Department of Surgery at McMaster University.
He is recognized as the ‘global leader’ in the promotion of evidence-based surgery and orthopaedic research receiving the fields highest awards. He has been acknowledged among the top 10 most cited orthopaedic fracture surgeons in the world. To this end, he conducts major multinational, transformative randomized clinical trials, publishes actively in the top medical journals, lectures to thousands around the world, and edits several of his field’s major textbooks promoting research methods and evidence-based orthopaedics.